Ethnographic Research Methods Pt 2: Ethnographic Relationships and Presentation


In this video, you’ll get a behind the scenes look at my personal experience doing ethnographic research in Indonesia over the past 30 years. You’ll also explore the work of other anthropologists.

“Part 1: Ethnographic Methods” will give a brief history of ethnographic methods and illustrate anthropology as it’s done in the field today.

“Part 2: Ethnographic Relationships and Presentation” will address the fundamentally social nature of fieldwork and introduce innovative ways of presenting research. Together, the videos will give you a foundational understanding of what ethnography entails.


Watch the full episode :


Never in Anger, by Jean Briggs  Symbolic anthropology/ Geertz person centered ethnography autoethnography, participant and applied ethnography.

Autoethnography as Method (Developing Qualitative Inquiry) by Heewon Chang

Autoethnography as Feminist Method: Sensitising the Feminist by Elizabeth Ettorre


Learning by Living Together: Ethnographic fieldwork in the Thai Highlands by Center for Southeast Asian Studies by Kyoto University

Shanti Parikh and HIV Hotspots in Uganda by Wustl Anthropology


Ethnographic Research Methods Pt 1: Ethnographic Methods


Kinship Pt 1: Kinship Structures